ICOMOS Norge har mange fagkomiteer. De norske komiteene er tilsluttet ICOMOS scientific international committees (ISC), i første rekke gjennom sin leder og ‘Voting member’. Voting member velges av ICOMOS Norges årsmøte. Retningslinjer for fagkomiteene finner du her.
Oversikt over komiteene, hvem som er voting member/leder og deres epostadresser:
1 | ISC20C 20th Century Heritage | Tom Davis | Tom.Davies@aho.no |
2 | CAR – Rock Art | Trond Lødøen | Trond.Lodoen@uib.no |
3 | CIAV – International Committee of Vernacular Architecture | Åse Tveitnes | asetveitnes@gmail.com |
4 | CIVVIH – Historic Towns and Villages | Hogne Langset | hogne.langset@bya.oslo.kommune.no |
5 | ICLAFI – Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues | Hege Agate Bakke-Alisøy | Hege.Bakke-Alisoy@bergen.kommune.no |
6 | ICORP – International Committee on Risk Preparedness | Axel Mykleby | axel@mykleby.no |
7 | ISCEAH – Earthen Architecture | Hauke Haupts | haupts27@msn.com |
8 | ISCS Stone | Per Storemyr | per.storemyr@hotmail.com |
9 | ICAHM – Archaeological Heritage Management | Trond Lødøen | Trond.Lodoen@uib.no |
10 | IcoFort – Fortification and Military Heritage | Roberta Luciani | roberta.luciani.oslo@gmail.com |
11 | ICTC – Cultural Tourism | Cecilie Smith-Christensen | cecilie.smith.christensen@gmail.com |
12 | ICUCH – Underwater Cultural Heritage | Hans Jørgen Wallin-Weihe | H-J.Wallin.Weihe@inn.no |
13 | IFFLA/ISCCL – International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes | Annegreth Dietze-Schirdewahn | annegreth.dietze@nmbu.no |
14 | IWC – International Wood Committee | Arnstein Brekke | kulturarv@gmail.com |
15 | IPHC – International Polar Heritage Committee | Anne-Cathrine Flyen | anne.flyen@niku.no |
16 | CIPA – Architectural Photogrammetry | Ola Storsletten | ola.storsletten@gmail.com |
17 | ISCMP – Mural Painting | Susanne Kaun | susanne.kaun@niku.no |
18 | ISEC – Economics of Conservation | Petter Koren | petterkoren@gmail.com |
19 | ISCIH – Industrial Heritage | Juliana Strogan | juliana.strogan@vtfk.no |
20 | ICICH – Intangible Cultural Heritage | Eivind Falk | Eivind.Falk@handverksinstituttet.no |
21 | PRERICO – Places of religion and ritual | Aase-Hilde Brekke | post@taramedia.no |
1 | CIF training | ||
2 | ISCARSAH – Shared buildt heritage | ||
3 | ICIP – Interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites | ||
4 | CIIC – Cultural Routes | ||
5 | ISC SBH – Shared Built Heritage | ||
6 | ISCV Stained glass | ||
7 | Theophilos – Theory and philosophy of conservation and restoration | ||
Blue Shield | Axel Mykleby – Norsk kontakt | axel@mykleby.no | |
EP – Emerging professionals | Samuel Billaud Feragen | samuel.feragen@ntnu.no | |
Our Common Dignity- Rights-Based Approaches OCD-RBA WG | Bente Mathisen | bente@icomos.no | |
Sist oppdatert: 11/06/2024